We are proud to announce that our tournament fundraising for Mind on the 20th April was a huge success. We have chosen to support Mind as it is a charity very close to the heart of our club, wanting to commemorate past members who have given to much life and heart to the club. The tournament was a great way to have a fun day of hockey and raise some money for such an important charity. We would like to continue to raising money for Mind in the future. If anyone has any ideas they would like to be considered please talk to a member of the committee.
Sharing the day with Berkswell and Balsall Common hockey club, we hosted friendly ladies, mens’ and mixed games. With the weather on our side, both clubs played good spirted, competitive hockey - yes Berkswell and Ballsall Common were the winners of the day! Thank you to everyone who came down to play, umpire and support.
Our stalls, the envelope raffle, tombola, kit stall, and the delicious treats, went down well raising the majority of the money. Thank you to everyone who help run them, baked, and donated prizes.
We also had a guess the amount of sweets in the jar, and are pleased to announce that the winner is Marj with 306 sweets; only 3 sweets away from the 309.
So the thing that everyone wants to know - how much did we raise? We are thrilled to announce we have raised £525.
A huge thank you to everyone behind the scenes, especially Jess, who made the day possible. We hope that this will become an annual event.
Some photos from the day are available on the website here: https://www.cnwhc.co.uk/photos/mind-tournament-20th-april-2024-1102933.html
If you have any photos to add to the album you can email them to me ljowen317@outlook.com