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Great Fun For Junior End Of Year Celebrations

Great Fun For Junior End Of Year Celebrations

Laura Ward22 Apr - 15:14
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Parents Vs Kids Game and Awards On The19th March

After a great year, the juniors finished in style showing their parents all their new skills, while trying to beat them on the pitch. Our parents vs kids end of season games have become a CNWHC tradition, with both parents and juniors giving it their all.
It was great to see everyone on the pitch together. After a quick warm up, the teams were divided into two half pitch games - younger and older.

Our younger side were amazing, and did a great job of using the space and passing the ball around. At half time high-fives were exchanged as they celebrated their goals and their lead on the parents. After half time the parents knuckled down; determined to score. After a couple of goals it looked like the parents might equalise, but as the final whistle blew the kids celebrated their victory.

Our older side had their work cut out for them, with older siblings, and coaches, joining the parents side it started off as an uphill battle. It wasn't long before the parents had taken the lead, but the juniors weren't giving up. With some beautiful passing, and lead runs the juniors settled into the game and gave it their all. A couple of goals later it was anybodies game. As the final whistle blew the adults claimed the victory just one goal ahead of the juniors.

After a group photo we headed into the club house for our junior awards. It was great to honour everyone's hard work over the year, and hand out some well deserved awards.

Award Winners:

Most Improved - Male Kian
Most Improved - Female Isabell C
Best Attitude - Grayson
Fair Play Male - Irfaan
Fair Play Female - Lilly
Matt's Coaches Player - Yugaan
Ben's Coaches Player - Lydia
Laura Coaches Player - Emma

Male Junior Of The Year - Zac
Female Junior Of The Year - Alex

We are already looking forward to our summer junior training on the 30th April 6.30-8pm at the pitch. The Place, Westwood Heath Road, CV4 8GN.

Further reading